Luca Enriques

Luca Enriques is a Professor of Business Law at the Department of Legal Studies of Bocconi. He is a European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) Research Fellow, a member of ECGI's board, a Fellow Academic Member of the European Banking Institute, and one of the founding academic editors of the Oxford Business Law Blog.

Missing in Today’s Shareholder Value Maximization Credo: The Shareholders

Today’s corporate world is very different from the one Milton Friedman wrote in. In a world where the question of whether managers should only...

How Governments Can Harness Private Donations in the Fight Against Covid-19

Private donations alone cannot do much to tackle the Covid-19 health care emergency, but a more efficient allocation of this form of funding could...

The Business Roundtable CEOs’ Statement: Same Old, Same Old

Despite the media hype about corporate CEOs having abandoned their shareholder value maximization credo, the recent statement from the Business Roundtable contains nothing new...

The 'Argumentum a Crise': So Powerful, So Prone to Misuse

Since the financial crisis and the related euro debt crisis, the use of the argumentum a crise has been ubiquitous. A more selective use...

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