Elisabeth Kempf

Elisabeth Kempf joined Chicago Booth in 2016. Her primary research interest is in empirical corporate finance. Her research has explored ideological biases and conflicts of interest in information production by financial analysts and economists, as well as issues related to corporate governance. Her work has appeared in the Review of Financial Studies and in the Journal of Financial Economics, and has received a number of awards, including the Financial Research Association Best Paper Award, the AQR Top Finance Graduate Award 2016, the WFA Cubist Systematic Strategies Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research, and the Young Scholars Finance Consortium Best Ph.D. Paper Award. Her research has been featured in several news outlets including Bloomberg, CNBC, and the Wall Street Journal. Kempf is also a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy and Research.

Concerns About Layoffs and CEO Pay Dominate Shareholder Preferences

A new study by Zwetelina Iliewa, Elisabeth Kempf and Oliver G. Spalt finds that Americans often prioritize moral values over financial gains when evaluating...

How the US Partisan Divide Shapes Global Capital Flows

A new empirical paper explores how partisan perception affects capital allocation beyond national borders, showing that the global investment practices of US institutional investors...

Are American Firms Becoming Politically Polarized?

A new paper examines political polarization among top executives in S&P 1500 firms, highlighting a robust trend toward political polarization in corporate America. This...

Central Bankers Face Potential Conflict of Interest When Writing About QE Policies

As Quantitative Easing makes a return during the global Covid-19 pandemic, its effectiveness has once again come under intense debate in both academic and...

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