Angelo Martelli

Angelo Martelli is an assistant professor in European and International Political Economy at the LSE European Institute and a non-resident fellow at the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University. His research interests span labor economics and European political economy, with a particular focus on the impact of technology on the evolution of employment structures across Europe and its implications for labor market institutions and income inequality. He worked as a consultant for the Jobs Group of the World Bank, as a policy fellow for the Open Innovation Team of the UK Cabinet Office and HM Treasury, and as a technical expert for the IMF. He has published op-eds for several international newspapers including the Wall Street Journal and El Pais.

Did the Euro Reduce Market Power?

Academics have argued that changes in product markup trends show that the European markets, abetted by the adoption of the Single Market and stronger antitrust enforcement, have become more competitive over the last half-century, whereas American markets have become more concentrated. In their research, Tommaso Crescioli and Angelo Martelli argue that a study of labor market power in Europe muddles this picture of higher competition in Europe.

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